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製品名          Product name

唐津和み香  Karatsu NAGOMI Insence


線香の香りは当店が選んだ白檀の香りです。 出荷時期によって線香の種類は変わります。

The Karatsu ware incense-burning plate comes with 10 cone-shaped incense pieces.

The scent of the incense is sandalwood, carefully selected by our store.

The type of incense may vary depending on the shipping season.

唐津焼香焚プレート The Karatsu ware incense-burning plate

仕上釉薬色 Authentic finishing Poterry graze color



Karatsu ware Brush-marked(Kohiki)White_light Gray color gradation.

or Black,

or (Aokaratsu:Grayish browntone original color of Karatsu ware.)

The finishing may vary depending on the shipping timing.

直径 Diameter      ≒8cm 
高さ Hight       ≒1cm  
重さ Weight       ≒95g    
制作窯 Kiln 三帰庵 SANKIAN

制作地 site of production

佐賀県唐津市北波多岸山 Kishiyama,Kitahata,Karatsu-city,Saga-pref.Japan

This is a custom-made piece from the birthplace of Karatsu ware.
Since it is not an industrial product, there may be variations in size and weight.

To all travelers from abroad,
Please place your order at the following website at duty-free prices before your departure.
 You can pick it up at the airport upon your return.

WAMAZING  site  from  March 2025 




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